Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sticky Sweet

I got the urge lately to try my hand at homemade cinnamon rolls.  The kind with yeast, that you have to let rise, and knead, and rise, etc.  They take a long time, and a lot of love, but it's worth it in the end!  I based my cinnamon rolls off a recipe I found from the Pioneer Woman, and then I came up with my own cream cheese frosting.  I'm from the Midwest, and a cinnamon roll isn't a cinnamon roll unless it's smothered in cream cheese frosting - right?  The recipe made 6 pans of rolls, so I gave some away, and then froze some for future treats.



  1. Wish I would have gotten one. *pout*

  2. PS -- Your Pioneer Woman link is not working. :)

  3. Sorry on both counts! I fixed the link now - hopefully. : )
