Monday, October 4, 2010

And so it begins

I have to admit - I love to bake.  I think about it all the time.  I find myself constantly dreaming of my Kitchen Aid mixer whirring with the sounds of Frank Sinatra in the background as I whip up some delightful treat.  And as the years have passed, this hobby of mine has become an obsession and a true passion.

At the urging of many friends and family, I have now embarked upon an experiment in online promotion and expansion of this "hobby."  I'll be posting stories, pictures, and descriptions of my baking adventures on here for anyone interested and willing to read.  I am just beginning to dabble in this, and to be honest, the whole thing both terrifies and excites me.  I am neither an artist nor a writer, so this is bound to be a wonderful learning experience!  Please spread the word to your friends and family, and of course, if you would ever like to order something, please contact me at  I'd love to provide you with a delightful treat for your next special occasion!



  1. Laurel and I were hoping it would be "Tasty Little Morsels by Lynz," but this will do! ;)

    Good luck and God bless in your venture. I am so proud of you!

  2. Lindsey, this is awesome! I love to see people excited about what they do, and sharing their excitement with others. It pleases God to "be who we are," to do what we love, for our gifts come only from Him.

  3. I can vouch for the fact that she really does play Frank Sinatra while the Kitchen Aid mixer is "whirring." :-)
    So glad you got this going, Lynz!

  4. I think you're a great writer :). Rock on babe.
