Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Flavorful Fall

I really like fall - mainly because it means Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!  I also love the scents of cinnamon and spice that start lingering in the air, and of course the changing colors of the leaves.  But perhaps my most favorite thing about fall is pumpkins - plain, carved, candles, and of course... dessert!  I pretty much love anything pumpkin - bread, cake, cookies, and even pie (even though I'm not a pie kinda gal).

This is my favorite pumpkin cake, which I adapted into miniature cupcakes for a party.  I should have taken a picture of them next to something so you could see them to scale.  They really were sooooo cute!  They were just small enough for one bite if you didn't care about social etiquette, or a couple of smaller bites for those of us who are a little more conscious of our company - perfect for a party!  And with the dreamy cloud of cream cheese frosting on top, there was not one left at the end of the night - which is too bad because I really want one right now.
