Tuesday, August 23, 2011

4 of 4

It's here!!! At long last, the fourth and final wedding cake order I had this summer.  If you'll remember, I had two wedding cakes in the same weekend a few weeks back, so my life was incredibly hectic.  But everything turned out really great and I thought it was so beautiful.

The bottom and top layers of the cake were chocolate, and the middle layer was lemon.  Because I'm friends with the bride and groom, I got to attend their beautiful wedding and actually eat the wedding cake that I had made - which is a rare occurrence.  (And if I do say so myself, it was delicious - of course)  The cake was so beautiful and classic and fit the decor of the wedding reception so well.  I just loved it!

I don't have any other wedding cakes on the docket right now, so it'll be back to baking-as-usual for a while.



1 comment:

  1. This cake is gorgeous. I am so impressed with your work and how you've progressed!! XO
