As you probably heard, we had an earthquake here on the East Coast a couple weeks ago. Because of that, and potential damage to my office building, we were released about 2pm and told not to come back until they cleared the building - which happened to be the next day. The city was in chaos, and thankfully I live close enough to work that I was able to just walk home. But everything else was closed, and traffic was awful, so I was pretty much forced to stay at my house the rest of the day.
So what do you do when you're trapped at home? Bake cookies of course! I had been wanting to make cookies with Rolo's for a while (my favorite childhood candy), and I had also been wanting to try baking pretzel pieces into cookies (you know how much I love salty and sweet together!). So I started with my basic chocolate chip cookie recipe, but instead of chocolate chips, I added chopped Rolo's. After I had all the cookies ready to go on the sheet, I added some crushed pretzels to the top and then put them in the oven to bake into delicious morsels.
These are FAN-tastic. I can't tell you what a hit these were at the office the next day. There is something so nostalgic for me about Rolo's, and the pretzels were
perfect to help offset all that sugar. I think I'll try adding pretzels to some of my other cookies and see how the flavor combination works. While I initially called these "quake cookies" because they were the result of being sent home early and bored from the earthquake, what I realized is that because of the chopped candies and crushed pretzels, these cookies actually kind of
look like they were in an earthquake too! Clever I know... I made some cookies with pretzels, and some without. But the cookies with pretzels were by far my favorite!